Publication Cover "Migrationsgesellschaft Now?"

Layout and Illustrations
Design and illustration of the publication on the occasion of the expert conference 2021 of the competence network “Zusammenleben in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft” (Living together in the immigration society). The event design we created for the conference can be found here.

The “Kompetenznetzwerk” consists of Türkische Gemeinde Deutschlands, Gegen Vergessen Für Demokratie e.V., Bundesverband russischsprachiger Eltern, Schwarzkopf Stiftung Junges Europa, neue deutsche Organisationen, DaMOst – Dachverband der Migrant*innenorganisationen in Ostdeutschland.

Chapter page with big lettering and abstract forms in the backgroundTable of Contents and IconsDetailed view on icons and quotes from the textDetailed view on a quote with iconDouble page beginning of a new chapterDouble page of a new chapterDetailed view on the layout
Kompetenznetzwerk —— PubliCation
Kompetenznetzwerk —— Publication
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