Animated keyvisual where the words "same old bundestag" are moving in 3 different areas in a circle.

Corporate Design/Keyvisual
Corporate Design for the expert conference 2021 of the competence network “Zusammenleben in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft” (Living together in the immigration society) including Keyvisual, Flyers, Rollups, Sharepics, Timetable,…The publication we designed for the conference can be found here.

The “Kompetenznetzwerk” consists of Türkische Gemeinde Deutschlands, Gegen Vergessen Für Demokratie e.V., Bundesverband russischsprachiger Eltern, Schwarzkopf Stiftung Junges Europa, neue deutsche Organisationen, DaMOst – Dachverband der Migrant*innenorganisationen in Ostdeutschland.

TGD ——— Keyvisual
expert conference 2021
Flyer and Sharepics for the event
Timetable and Roll-Ups for the event
Kompetenznetzwerk ————— Publikation
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